The Caelverse Compendium contains four sections explaining aspects of our known reality in what we call the Caelverse. It is possible - and very probable - however, that we live in a multiverse. If contact is ever made with lifeforms of other realities (extraversal beings), then there is a great chance that the first contacts would hail from a reality that possesses some similarities to our own. If such contact is the result of consciousness, then one of these similarities may very well be the language we use. Accordingly, we have written a compendium in our language; and if so ever a being from another reality were to read this, then not only would they gain knowledge of beings from other realities (i.e., us and how our reality functions), but it may then be possible to bridge some type of conscious gap between one reality (your reality, the reader) and another (our reality), in turn making contact possible.
The first section will explain the constitution of matter and energy (which may likely be the same in other realities). A brief overview of the cosmology of the Caelverse and its celestial bodies (such as the suns, planets, and moons) will follow. Since magical humans (called mages) are the dominant species in the Caelverse (politically and culturally), the compendium will explicate the fundamentals and ontological nature of magic itself. Lastly, the compendium will provide an overview of the current cycle of our history and the overarching political system (the Caelverse Government of Magi - or simply, the CGM) before the most commonly-understood taxonomy of sapient and non-sapient beings in the Caelverse will be listed (which includes mages and non-mages). This compendium will also cover many different philosophical areas, using both theoretical and empirical ideas and information; and, while it may seem dense, it will, nevertheless, provide explanations along the way. For ease of reading, a dictionary at the end has also been added for words not explained throughout the text. Now, may our first contact lead to happiness and prosperity
Authorized by Tarmas Simonkash, High Commissioner of the Intercluster Communications and Media Commission (ICMC) for the CGM.
24th of Primsis B-424.