Edith Wharton's spellbinding final novel tells a story of love in the gilded age that crosses the boundaries of society--now an original series on AppleTV+ "Brave, lively, engaging...a fairy-tale novel, miraculouly returned to life."--The New York Times Book...
The official tie-in edition to the five-part Masterpiece Theatre production, airing October 8-November 5, 1995. Nan and Ginny's considerable beauty is not enough to win over 1870s New York society to their new money. Their undaunted governess launches them on the impoverished...
Set in the 1870s, the same period as Wharton's The Age of Innocence, The Buccaneers is about five wealthy American girls denied entry into New York Society because their parents' money is too new. At the suggestion of their clever governess, the girls sail to London, where they...