The Broken Wings is a poetic novel written by Khalil Gibran first published in Arabic in 1912. It is a tale of tragic love, set in turn-of-the-century Beirut. A young woman, Selma Karamy, is betrothed to a prominent religious man's nephew. The protagonist (a young man that Gibran...
The Broken Wings. is a Poetic Novel Written by: Kahlil Gibran.
En Alas rotas, Kahlil Gibran descubre la gloria y el dolor del amor joven. Esta historia levemente autobiogr fica sigue la tradici n de Romeo y Julieta, pero con los ajustes orientales y las im genes exhuberantes caracter sticos del poeta liban s-estadounidense.Un joven Kahlil...
First published in 1912, "The Broken Wings" is a poetic novel written by Khalil Gibran. Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883 - 1931) was a Lebanese-American poet, writer, and artist best known as the author of "The Prophet" (1923)-one of the best-selling books of all time. Gibran's work...
A Poetic Novel in Bilingual Edition By Khalil Gibran
First published in 1912, "The Broken Wings" is a poetic novel written by Khalil Gibran. Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883 - 1931) was a Lebanese-American poet, writer, and artist best known as the author of "The Prophet" (1923)-one of the best-selling books of all time. Gibran's work...
The Broken Wings is a poetic Novel written by Khalil Gibran
The Broken Wings is A Poetic Novel in Bilingual Edition by: Kahlil Gibran.
En Alas rotas, Kahlil Gibran descubre la gloria y el dolor del amor joven. Esta historia levemente autobiogr fica sigue la tradici n de Romeo y Julieta, pero con los ajustes orientales y las im genes exhuberantes caracter sticos de Gibran. Alas rotas es una historia profunda...
This Edition of The Prophet is Annotated and Was Originally Published in 1912 Kahlil Gibran is very well known for his book, The Prophet, which was published in the United States in 1923. He was born on January 6, 1883 in Bsharri, which is located in present-day Lebanon...