More than one year on the New York Times bestseller list Richard Bach's timeless and uplifting classic of hope and love "We're the bridge across forever, arching above the sea, adventuring for our pleasure, living mysteries for the fun of it, choosing disasters triumphs...
If you've ever felt alone in a world of strangers, missing someone you've never met, you'll find a message from your love in The Bridge Across Forever.
El autor narra su propio camino hacia el amor hacia su alma gemela que se llama Leslie Parrish, en esta novela inspiradora. Una jornada que empieza un camino cuyos obst?culos y desv?os iniciales lo hacen abandonar la b?squeda y construirse murallas de protecci?n, que se convertir?n...
Did you ever feel that you were missing someone you had never met?'. Haunted by the ghost of the wise, mystical, lovely lady who lives just around the corner in time, Richard Bach begins his quest to find her, to learn of love and immortality not in the here-after, but in the...
If you've ever felt alone in a world of strangers, missing someone you've never met, you'll find a message from your love in "The Bridge Across Forever."