The Bramble Bush (1911) is a novel written by Caroline Fuller. The story revolves around the lives of two sisters, Priscilla and Doris, who have grown up in a small town in New England. Priscilla is the elder sister, who is responsible and dutiful, while Doris is more carefree...
The Bramble Bush is a novel written by Caroline Fuller and published in 1911. The story is set in a small New England town and follows the lives of several characters, including a young lawyer named John Dorsey, his love interest Mary Ware, and a wealthy businessman named Henry...
The Bramble Bush is a novel written by Caroline Fuller and published in 1911. The story follows the life of a young woman named Mary Ware, who is struggling to find her place in the world. She is torn between her desire for independence and her duty to her family, who are pressuring...
This young adult novel tells the story of a group of friends who stumble upon a mysterious old mansion on a deserted country road. As they explore the mansion and its surrounding gardens, they uncover a web of secrets and mysteries that threaten to consume them all. With its...
This young adult novel tells the story of a group of friends who stumble upon a mysterious old mansion on a deserted country road. As they explore the mansion and its surrounding gardens, they uncover a web of secrets and mysteries that threaten to consume them all. With its...