Emergency does not create new power, it creates the exercise of power. In Ex Parte Milligan 1866, the court made the following observations about civil liberties. The birthright of every citizen when charged with a crime is to be tried and punished by law. If the laws are ineffectual there is immunity from punishment. Even the wicked individual cannot be punished if the law is not in effect. By protection of he law...
I used this book to introduce my 10-year-old twin daughters to this bad time in our usually-praiseworthy US history. They were very moved by the story, identifying with Emi and her sadness and fear. In the story, the bracelet assumes the importance of a link to Emi's past; its importance lessens as difficult losses are suffered by Emi and the rest of her family. If you need to begin to address the topic of prejudice with...
In the first illustration we see two typically Californian homes with cars in their driveways. One has a "For Sale" sign on its front steps. Emi, a second grader, sits and waits. Her father has been sent to a prison camp in Montana, and soon the FBI will take her, her sister, and her mother to a detention center and then to a detention camp in Utah. Emi and her family are Japanese Americans in California. It is 1942,...
This book is a must for any classroom library. The children in my classroom had fantastic and thoughtful things to say about this book, in third grade! This book deals with tough subjects and still has a beautiful moral.
This is a wonderful story about friendship. A young Japanese girl is sent to an internment camp. Before she leaves an American friend of hers gives her a bracelet to remember her by. When the bracelet is lost, the little girl is heart broken. Later she realizes that one does not need material objects to symbolize a friendship.