A successful thriller writer's life begins to unravel when he is approached by a menacing figure from his past, a woman who threatens to divulge his darkest secret unless he does everything she asks. So begins a deadly cat-and-mouse game in which there can be only one survivor...
A shocking 30-year-old secret returns to haunt thriller writer Tommy Devereaux in this nerve-shredding tale of suspense In 1981, three fourteen-year-old boys witness a horrific murder in the Oregon woods near their homes. Sucked into becoming accomplices to the subsequent cover-up,...
A shocking 30-year-old secret returns to haunt thriller writer Tommy Devereaux in this nerve-shredding tale of suspense In 1981, three fourteen-year-old boys witness a horrific murder in the Oregon woods near their homes. Sucked into becoming accomplices to the subsequent cover-up,...