Llewellyn is pleased to bring back into print the book many consider to be the authentic holy book of Wicca, the first Book of Shadows ever published in the United States--Lady Sheba's Book of Shadows.
For generations, secret Craft teachings had been handed down by word of mouth to new initiates. When Lady Sheba was initiated into her first coven, she hand copied The Book of Shadows. It was her wish that publication would bring to light the authentic beliefs of Witchcraft and reestablish the respectability of this ancient art.
The Book of Shadows includes:
Secret initiation rites Laws of the Craft (162 total) Eight ceremonies for the Sabbats Consecration rituals Invocations Actual chants and dances for calling on the godsLady Sheba was one of the first people in the United States to officially establish the Craft as a legally recognized religion. She registered "The American Order of the Brotherhood of Wicca" as an religious organization in Michigan on August 13, 1971. She stated that she was a witch "by traditional heritage" and a "Gardnerian Witch by choice."
The Book of Shadows by Lady Sheba was originally published in 1971, and it started rumblings through the Wiccan Community that basically never stopped. There was talk about material that was stolen from so and so, oath breaking with such and such a tradition, who wrote what, who was telling the truth, who wasn't... and so on and so on. This book created quite a splash in it's day. First editions of this book are known to...
Despite what Matt has tried to pass off to you all, the consumer, this book was *not* handed down to Sheba by her Grandmother nor a rehash of Alexandrian Witchcraft! This book is what many consider to be the authentic holy book of Wicca...much older than Alexandrian Wicca, by the way! Lady Sheba's "Book Of Shadows" was the very forst book of shadows ever published in the United States around the 60s or 70s. During the time...
I understand how people who feel the need for book learning would put this one down. It isn't RavenWolf! There's no New Age WitchCrap in it! I, on the other hand, love it. It is the book upon which the American Celtic Tradition is built, it is not British Traditional (get the Fararrs book for that); and don't get me wrong I'm not too fond of Llewellyn. Give me Paul Husson anyday!
Lady Sheba's material served as my introduction to Wicca many years ago. She has successfully compiled information that touches on many different aspects of the Old Religion. While most of her writings can certainly be found elsewhere, this book nonetheless will provide beginners with a feel for what Wicca is about and contains a great deal of material that predates the Gardnerian era. This book is a treasure!