From the beloved author of the classic novel, The Railway Children, comes this magical collection of short stories featuring eight fantastical dragon tales. This enchanting collection of eight short stories is connected through one common theme: dragons...
Dragons-of all sorts-make for marvelous fun, and this collection of madcap tales is filled with them. Some of the legendary monsters are funny and mischievous, others are downright frightening, and a number of them are wild and unpredictable. There's a dragon made of ice, another...
The Book of Dragons is a collection of eight short stories. Each story features a dragon at the center of the action and conflict. The stories are funny and include commentary on the virtues or failures of children and young people as they enter adulthood
The Book of Dragons (1899) is a collection of children's stories by English writer Edith Nesbit. Comprising eight stories originally published in 1899 in The Strand Magazine, The Book of Dragons is a work that explores the magic and wonder of mythical beasts for...
From the beloved author of the classic novel, The Railway Children, comes this magical collection of short stories featuring eight fantastical dragon tales. This enchanting collection of eight short stories is connected through one common theme: dragons...
The Book of Dragons
This enchanting set of eight children's tales by Edith Nesbit tell of a variety of dragons and their abilities. Crammed with the unique wit and phrasing for which Nesbit was known, The Book of Dragons has surprised and entertained children for generations. The stories hold charm...
"John went down the winding stairs to the dungeon, holding the lantern above his head just to see that the dungeon really was empty, as usual. Half of it was empty as usual. But the other side was not empty. It was quite full, and what it was full of was Dragon."
This anthology is a thorough introduction to classic literature for those who have not yet experienced these literary masterworks. For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format. From Shakespeare's...
Who doesn't love dragons? In this exciting collection, the author unleashes a flock of these mysterious, wild, and unpredictable creatures.
Who doesn't love dragons? Whether they're breathing fire or thrashing their tails, frightful or friendly, gigantic or tiny, their adventures are always filled with magic and surprises -- and sometimes even humor. In this exciting collection, E. Nesbit unleashes a flock of these...
Who doesn't love dragons? Whether they're breathing fire or thrashing their tails, frightful or friendly, gigantic or tiny, their adventures are always filled with magic and surprises -- and sometimes even humor.