Without question, the Bible has withstood the most intense scrutiny than any other book in existence. Critics have examined every word, letter, line, and precept in the Bible in an exhaustive attempt to cast doubts on its reliability. However, this book was not written to defend the Bible, for it needs no defense. Rather, this book is written for the reader to take into consideration the enumerable reasons the Bible has endured and survived all the critics and their attempts to destroy its credibility. To this day, because of the Bible's reliability and continued survival, it is enjoyed and loved by millions of people around the world. Within the covers of this book, you will discover archaeological, scientific, mathematical, historical, and other information that strongly supports the Bible as God's living word. These impressive contributions could not have been made possible except for the dedicated people, many of whom devoted their entire lives to the task of searching, authenticating, and preserving the information set forth in the Scriptures. They have this author's highest respect and admiration.