The Blood of the Arab is a non-fiction book written by Albert W. Harris that tells the story of the world's greatest war horse. The book revolves around the Arabian horse named Witez II, who became a legend during World War II for his exceptional bravery and endurance. The author...
The Blood of the Arab: The World's Greatest War Horse is a non-fiction book written by Albert W. Harris. The book tells the story of a legendary Arabian horse named Wazir, who was born in the desert of Arabia in the early 1900s. Wazir was bred to be a war horse, and he quickly...
The Blood Of The Arab: The World�������s Greatest War Horse is a non-fiction book written by Albert W. Harris. The book tells the story of a legendary Arabian stallion named Witez II, who was considered the greatest war horse in...
The Blood of the Arab: The World's Greatest War Horse is a book written by Albert W. Harris that tells the story of the legendary Arabian horse, Witez II. The book explores the history and significance of the Arabian horse breed, and how Witez II became a symbol of courage and...
The Blood Of The Arab: The World�������s Greatest War Horse is a non-fiction book written by Albert W. Harris. The book tells the story of a legendary Arabian horse named Wazir, who was born in the desert of Arabia in the early...