The Blind Mother and The Last Confession (1893) is a collection of two novellas by British master of fiction Hall Caine. In the Lake District of northwest England, a young blind woman named Mercy lives with her son and elderly father on land passed down through...
The Vale of Newlands lay green in the morning sunlight; the river that ran through its lowest bed sparkled with purple and amber; the leaves prattled low in the light breeze that soughed through the rushes and the long grass; the hills rose sheer and white to the smooth blue...
The Blind Mother And The Last Confession
Reproduction of the original: The Blind Mother and The Last Confession by Hall Caine
Reproduction of the original: The Blind Mother and The Last Confession by Hall Caine
The Blind Mother, and The Last Confession, is many of the old classic books which have been considered important throughout the human history. They are now extremely scarce and very expensive antique. So that this work is never forgotten we republish these books in high quality,...
"The Blind Mother and The Last Confession" from Hall Caine. Manx author (1853-1931).