The Blind Lion of the Congo is a novel written by Elliott Whitney in 1912. It tells the story of a young American named Jack Merrill who travels to the Congo in search of adventure and fortune. Along the way, he meets a beautiful missionary named Ruth Templeton and they fall...
The Blind Lion of the Congo is a novel written by Elliott Whitney and published in 1912. The story is set in the heart of Africa and follows the adventures of a young American man named Jack Winters. Jack, a skilled hunter and explorer, travels to the Congo in search of adventure...
The Blind Lion of the Congo is a classic adventure novel written by Elliott Whitney and published in 1912. The story follows the adventures of a young American explorer named Jack Merrill who sets out to explore the Congo River Basin in Africa. Merrill's journey takes him deep...
The Blind Lion of the Congo, is many of the old classic books which have been considered important throughout the human history. They are now extremely scarce and very expensive antique. So that this work is never forgotten we republish these books in high quality, using the...