The Black Moth (1921) is a historical romance novel by Georgette Heyer. Initially devised as a series of stories for her younger brother Boris, who suffered from hemophilia, The Black Moth became Heyer's debut novel following its discovery by her father, who...
Jack Carstares, oldest son of the Earl Wyncham, disgraced six years earlier, returns home and becomes a highwayman so that he is able to live in the land he loves without detection. One day while out riding he foils an abduction plot mastered by the infamous Duke of Andover...
"Stylish, romantic, sharp, and witty." ?Margaret Drabble A disgraced lord, a notorious highwayman Jack Carstares, the disgraced Earl of Wyndam, left England seven long years ago, sacrificing his honor for that of his brother when he was accused of cheating...
The Black Moth is a work by Georgette Heyer now brought to you in this new edition of the timeless classic.
The debut novel from the creator of the Regency genre of romance fiction Based on a story she had written for her brother and published when she was nineteen years old, The Black Moth is set during the Georgian era in the 1750s and follows Lord Jack Carstares, the eldest...
The Black Moth was Georgette Heyer's debut novel. She was only 19 and it surprised the publishing world by selling more than 200,000 copies in 1921. Georgette Heyer essentially invented Regency Romance. This novel is set in 1751 and has Lords, Ladies, and...
When Lord Jack Carstares is falsely accused of cheating at cards, the young nobleman accepts the blame to protect his brother. Alone and friendless in his European exile, Jack is obliged to develop his skills as a swordsman -- an accomplishment he puts to use upon his return...
The Black Moth by Georgette Heyer released on May 25, 2003 is available now for purchase.
The Black Moth is a Georgian (set around 1751) romance novel by Georgette Heyer. Jack Carstares, oldest son of the Earl Wyncham, disgraced six years earlier, returns home and becomes a highwayman so that he is able to live in the land he loves without detection. One day while...
The Black Moth (1921) is a historical romance novel by Georgette Heyer. Initially devised as a series of stories for her younger brother Boris, who suffered from hemophilia, The Black Moth became Heyer's debut novel following its discovery by her father, who...
When the notorious Lord Tracy Belmanoir, Duke of Andover and also the infamous Black Moth, is caught attempting to abduct the dark-haired Diana Beauleigh by estranged Jack Carstares, the rightful Earl of Wyncham, he's sent scurrying after a thrilling sword fight. Injured in battle,...
Disguised as a highwayman, Jack Carstares, the wrongly disgraced Earl of Wyncham, found himself again face-to-face with the wicked Duke of Andover. This time the Black Moth was attempting to abduct dark-haired beauty Diana Beauleigh. Once more Jack's noble impulse to save the...