The highly acclaimed novel based on America's most infamous unsolved murder case. Dive into 1940s Los Angeles as two cops spiral out of control in their hunt for The Black Dahlia's killer in this powerful thriller that is "brutal and at the same time believable" (New York...
The Black Dahlia is a roman noir on an epic scale: a classic period piece that provides a startling conclusion to America's most infamous unsolved murder mystery--the murder of the beautiful young woman known as The Black Dahlia.
The highly acclaimed novel based on America's most infamous unsolved murder case. Dive into 1940s Los Angeles as two cops spiral out of control in their hunt for The Black Dahlia's killer in this powerful thriller that is "brutal and at the same time believable" (New York...
Los Angeles, 15th January 1947. A beautiful young woman walks into the night and meets a horrific destiny.
La Dalia Negra, obra maestra del perro diab?lico de las letras norteamericanas, en edici?n definitiva, con una traducci?n actualizada y un ep?logo in?dito del autor. 15 de enero de 1947. Los ?ngeles, un solar desocupado. El cad?ver de una mujer de veinticinco...
The murder of a beautiful young woman in 1947 Los Angeles sparks a great investigation in which Bucky Bleichert, Lee Blanchard, L.A.P.D. Warrants Squad cops, ex-boxers, friends, and adversaries become obsessed by the case.
On January 15, 1947, the tortured body of a beautiful young woman was found in a vacant lot in Hollywood. Elizabeth Short, the Black Dahlia, had been brutally murdered. In this fictionalized treatment of a real case, Bucky Bleichert and Lee Blanchard journey through the seedy...