Edgar Allan Poe, the father of American horror fiction, first published his macabre short story "The Black Cat" in the August 19, 1843 edition of The Saturday Evening Post. The frightening tale of a murderer tormented by guilt over his terrible deeds is a classic. The narrator's...
Experience Edgar Allan Poe's chilling psychological thriller masterpiece "The Black Cat" with haunting illustrations by Pinaki Bagh. Dive into a study of guilt and madness as a murderer struggles to conceal his dark secret. This premium edition includes a plot overview, perfect...
Este relato es una historia muy corta, que narra el proceso de decadencia del protagonista. Narrado en primera persona nos cuenta como siendo un ni o era cari oso y adoraba a los animales. Se cas joven y en la casa que compart a con su mujer abundaban las mascotas a las que...
El gato negro es uno de lo cuentos siniestros m s conocidos de Poe, as como uno de sus grandes relatos psicol gicos. La combinaci n de ambos elementos (horror y psicolog a) parece conducir directamente a la expresi n terror psicol gico, que hoy sabemos inspirada en la singularidad...
Un joven matrimonio lleva una vida hogare a apacible con su gato, hasta que el marido empieza a dejarse arrastrar por la bebida. El alcohol le vuelve irascible y en uno de sus accesos de furia acaba con la vida del animal. Un segundo gato aparece en escena, la situaci n familiar...
En este cuento de terror, relatado en primera persona, el autor describe de qu manera la relaci n de un hombre con su mascota y un odio inexplicable hacia ella, termina por convertir su vida en un infierno. Un verdadero cl sico del g nero.
"The Black Cat" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in the August 19, 1843, edition of The Saturday Evening Post. Through this short story, we explore the psychology of guilt. A murderer meticulously conceals his crime and believes himself indestructible, but...
This story is a very short story, which tells the process of decay of the protagonist. First-person narrated tells us how being a child was affectionate and loved animals. He married young and in the house he shared with his wife there were many pets he cared for and loved. But...
"The Black Cat" is one of Edgar Allan Poe's most memorable stories. The tale centers around a black cat and the subsequent deterioration of a man. The story is often linked with "The Tell-Tale Heart" because of the profound psychological elements these two works share. Edgar...
How is this book unique? Font adjustments & biography included Unabridged (100% Original content) Illustrated About The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe "The Black Cat" is a story by Edgar Allan Poe. It is a study of the psychology of guilt, often paired in analysis with Poe's "The...
"Le Chat Noir" (titre original en anglais: The Black Cat) est une histoire d'horreur de l' crivain am ricain Edgar Allan Poe, publi e dans le journal Saturday Evening Post de Philadelphia dans son num ro du 19 ao t 1843. Les critiques le consid rent l'un des plus effrayants de...
Poe's original story of a cat haunting his drunk and abusive owner/murderer to madness, remastered with wood engravings by Alan James Robinson.
"The Black Cat" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. It was first published in the August 19, 1843, edition of The Saturday Evening Post. It is a study of the psychology of guilt, often paired in analysis with Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart". In both, a murderer carefully conceals...
El gato negro es uno de lo m s conocidos cuentos siniestros de Poe, la cr tica lo considera uno de los m s espeluznantes de la historia de la literatura. La combinaci n de ambos elementos, horror y psicolog a, parece conducir directamente a la expresi n terror psicol gico, que...
"The Black Cat" is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. It was first published in the August 19, 1843, edition of The Saturday Evening Post. It is a study of the psychology of guilt, often paired in analysis with Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart". In both, a murderer carefully conceals...