The Black Bag is a mystery novel written by Louis Joseph Vance. The story revolves around a young lawyer named Lawrence Blake, who is accused of murder. The only evidence against him is a black bag that was found at the scene of the crime. Blake must prove his innocence and find...
A rapidly-moving narrative of the detective-story type, in which a rascally diamond smuggler is out-witted by a young Californian and the girl who was to have been the thief's victim."A stirring and sprightly tale."--Brooklyn Eagle."An exciting story of rapid adventure."--New...
occupying that singularly distressing social position, which may be summed up succinctly in a phrase through long usage grown proverbial: "Alone in London." These three words have come to connote in our understanding so much of human misery, that to Mr. Kirkwood they seemed to...
occupying that singularly distressing social position, which may be summed up succinctly in a phrase through long usage grown proverbial: "Alone in London." These three words have come to connote in our understanding so much of human misery, that to Mr. Kirkwood they seemed to...
occupying that singularly distressing social position, which may be summed up succinctly in a phrase through long usage grown proverbial: "Alone in London." These three words have come to connote in our understanding so much of human misery, that to Mr. Kirkwood they seemed to...
A rapidly-moving narrative of the detective-story type, in which a rascally diamond smuggler is out-witted by a young Californian and the girl who was to have been the thief's victim. "A stirring and sprightly tale."--Brooklyn Eagle. "An exciting story of rapid adventure."--New...
Upon a certain dreary April afternoon in the year of grace, 1906, the apprehensions of Philip Kirkwood, Esquire, Artist-peintre, were enlivened by the discovery that he was occupying that singularly distressing social position, which may be summed up succinctly in a phrase through...
The Black Bag is a thrilling mystery novel written by Louis Joseph Vance. The story revolves around a young lawyer named Lawrence Lonsdale, who is hired to defend a man accused of murder. The man claims to be innocent, but all the evidence points to his guilt. As Lonsdale delves...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
"The Black Bag" from Louis Joseph Vance. American novelist (1879-1933).