What I liked most about the CliffsNotes version of the Bible over The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Bible, Third Edition and The Bible for Dummies is that it takes a no-frills approach. The other two are humorous and certainly entertaining, but also a bit distracting for me. The one drawback I've noticed is that, in true CliffsNotes fashion, these are simply summaries without verse cross-referencing and not quite the step-by-step...
I'm a pastoral studies student and this book has been a jewel for all my related classes. If I have to read something in the Bible I read the section in the cliff notes book 1st then i grab the bible and read it. It helps a lot to put what I'm reading in the Bible into perspective. The author has some excellent commentaries.
I was a good bit confused when I saw that Cliffs Notes had published a Notes on, of all things, the Bible. I mean, coming from someone who reads their Bible often, I never thought someone would need a copy of the Notes to understand the Bible. That being said, I found the Notes interesting, to say the least, but not really saying anything I didn't already know. For those of y'all out there who are having trouble understanding...
Wow, I really have to say--this is one Cliffs Notes that I can appreciate. It actually has a purpose. This is the perfect book for those of us who are forced by parents and sunday school teachers to read the Bible on penalty of everlasting suffering and torment. I wish this was available when I was growing up...it is the perfect tool to decieve those that would try to force us to read the incomphrensible gibberish that is...