Directed by Spielberg, Disney's "The BFG" tells the imaginative story of a young girl and the Giant who introduces her to the wonders and perils of Giant Country. The BFG (Mark Rylance), while a giant himself, is a Big Friendly Giant and nothing like the other inhabitants of Giant Country. Standing 24-feet tall with enormous ears and a keen sense of smell, he is endearingly dim-witted and keeps to himself for the most part. Giants like Bloodbottler...
Book-to-screen adaptations can be a great way to inspire kids to pick up a book. Make it a family project. Read the book, watch the movie and discuss the difference between the two. Read on for 25 literature-inspired films for a range of ages.
Join us in celebrating the life and work of Roald Dahl, born on September 13, 1916. When he passed away in 1990 at the age of 74, he left behind a rich legacy in his timeless, fantastical tales for children. Here we share his eight rules for creating scrumdiddlyumptious stories.