""The Beggers Ape"" is a satirical play written by Richard Niccols in the late 16th century. The play is set in London and follows the story of a group of beggars who come across an ape that they believe to be a holy figure. The beggars decide to use the ape as a means of gaining...
The Beggers Ape is a play written by Richard Niccols. The story revolves around a group of beggars who find an ape and decide to train him to beg for them. The ape, however, turns out to be very intelligent and starts to question the beggars' way of life. As the ape becomes more...
""The Beggers Ape"" is a satirical play written by Richard Niccols in the 17th century. The play follows the story of a group of beggars who discover an ape that they believe has the ability to talk. They use the ape to gain money and fame, but their plans are foiled when a group...