The battle lines have been drawn. Is the enemy winning? "Thanks to the theory of evolution," writes best-selling author John MacArthur, "naturalism is now the dominant religion of modern society. Less than a century and a half ago, Charles Darwin popularized the credo for this...
The battle lines have been drawn. Is the enemy winning? "Thanks to the theory of evolution," writes best-selling author John MacArthur, "naturalism is now the dominant religion of modern society. Less than a century and a half ago, Charles Darwin popularized the credo...
The battle for a true view of the beginning is not optional. Our faith and the future of our world hang on the truth about creation. Dr. MacArthur insists that when naturalistic and atheistic presuppositions are being aggressively peddled as if they were established scientific...
Nunca propenso a ablandar la verdad, el doctor John MacArthur impugna en este libro a todos los cristianos que se atrevan a poner en entredicho el relato b blico de la creaci n y declara la guerra a las ense anzas falsas de los naturalistas que niegan a Dios. Many Christians...
Enfrenta a todos los que se atrevan a poner en entredicho el relato biblico de la creaci?n.