""The Balance of Power"" is a political satire novel written by John Kendrick Bangs, first published in 1901. The story is set in the fictional country of Vulgaria, where the government is in a state of chaos and corruption. The protagonist, a young American named John, arrives...
The Balance of Power is a political satire novel written by American author John Kendrick Bangs, first published in 1901. The book is a humorous take on the concept of balance of power, which refers to the distribution of power among nations to prevent any one country from becoming...
The Balance of Power is a political satire novel written by American author John Kendrick Bangs. The story is set in the fictional country of Graustark, which is on the brink of war with its neighboring country, Axphain. The ruler of Graustark, Prince Dantan, is determined to...