excellent for the backyard birder. It offers really useful ideas for attracting birds and keeping them coming to your yard.
I was sent this then-new book seven or eight years ago to review for my newspaper column on birds, and found it to be an excellent guide, not only on how to build boxes for all sorts of cavity-nesting birds, but also how to deal with problems like predators and pests. I built one of the boxes; it went together well and has served quite a few feathered families over the past five or six years.
I was interested in putting up some birdhouses (nestboxes) in my backyard and trying to attract some of the more exotic birds, etc... I checked out about a dozen books form the library.. Well, this one hands down was the best... Book starts out by going over the birds you would want to attract to your nestboxes, with pictures and bios on all the birds, such as bluebirds, chickadees, titmouses, etc.... Then it goes into the...