Israel Zangwill (1864-1926) was a British author and playwright. He was a leading figure in cultural Zionism during the 19th century, as well as close friend of father of modern political Zionism, Theodor Herzl. In later life, he renounced the seeking of a Jewish homeland in...
The Bachelor's Club is a novel written by Israel Zangwill and published in 1891. The story revolves around a group of bachelors who form a club in order to avoid the pressures of marriage and society's expectations. The main character, Sidney Price, is a member of the club and...
The Bachelor's Club is a novel written by Israel Zangwill and published in 1891. The story follows the lives of three bachelors, each with their own unique personalities and lifestyles, who form a club in order to escape the pressures of society and the expectations placed upon...
The Bachelor's Club is a novel written by Israel Zangwill in 1891. The story revolves around a group of bachelors who form a club in order to avoid the pressures of marriage and commitment. The main character, Mr. Herbert Strangeways, is a member of this club and is content with...