"This is a novel in the guise of the tape-recorded recollections of a black woman who has lived 110 years, who has been both a slave and a witness to the black militancy of the 1960's. In this woman Ernest Gaines has created a legendary figure, a woman equipped to stand beside...
"Grand, robust, a rich and big novel."--Alice Walker, The New York Times Book Review
"In Jane Pittman], Ernest Gaines has created a legendary figure. . . . Gaines's novel brings to mind other great works: The Odyssey, for the way his heroine's...
"Grand, robust, a rich and big novel."--Alice Walker, The New York Times Book Review
"In Jane Pittman], Ernest Gaines has created a legendary figure. . . . Gaines's novel brings to mind other great works: The Odyssey, for the way his heroine's...
Ticey is a slave girl who takes the name Jane when she is freed. But as she tastes freedom, she also learns how unjust society can be toward freed slaves.
For use in schools and libraries only. The moving, fictional account of one African American woman's lifelong struggle against racism.
"This is a novel in the guise of the??tape-recorded recollections of a black woman who has??lived 110 years, who has been both a slave and a??witness to the black militancy of the 1960's. In this??woman Ernest Gaines has created a legendary figure,??a woman equipped to stand...
For use in schools and libraries only. The moving, fictional account of one African American woman's lifelong struggle against racism.