Suryakanta is a young horse trainer of the royal stables of the kingdom of Khasi during the time in ancient India of the great war depicted within The Mahabharata.
This is his story and the story of the mysterious girl that falls into his care, Ananti, as they journey through the world of that great epic.
Befreinded by Karna, one of the heros of Bharat, Suryakanta is invited to the magnificent city of the Kurus, Hastinapura, to train their horses in preparation for war - a war that looms ever closer as the conflict between the Kaurava and Pandava princes widens.
Told from the side of Karna and the Kauravas to whom Suryakanta gives his allegiance, The Asva Sani of Khasi presents a unique view of the fabled conflict, a view that challenges every aspect of previous belief.
Suryakanta's and Ananti's journey through the story is seeped in love but shadowed by impending tragedy as the years, the months and days draw ever closer to a devestating war.
A story of boons and curses and broken promises that entwine the innocent's fates to those of the gods and demi gods incarnated in to the human realm.
This is the first book of the series, 'Songs of Warriors, Chants of Freedom', and sets the scene for the further incarnations of the subsequent stories.