The riveting Chaos Walking trilogy by two-time Carnegie Medalist Patrick Ness, reissued with compelling new covers--and a bonus short story in each book. "Grim and beautifully written. . . . Superb. . . . This is among the best YA science fiction novels of the year." -- Publishers...
Part two of the literary sci-fi thriller follows a boy and a girl who are caught in a warring town where thoughts can be heard and secrets are never safe. Reaching the end of their tense and desperate flight in THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO, Todd and Viola did not find healing...
La continuaci?n de la aclamada trilog?a en que se basa la superproducci?n Chaos Walking, del novelista de Un monstruo viene a verme. En Prentisstown tus pensamientos son p?blicos. No existen los secretos.
En su huida de un ej?rcito implacable,...
Part two of the literary sci-fi thriller follows a boy and a girl who are caught in a warring town where thoughts can be heard -- and secrets are never safe. Reaching the end of their flight in THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO, Todd and Viola did not find healing and hope in Haven...