To intercede is to truly pray with power. How do you know God is not calling you to be an intercessor? As you read this book with its study of the great intercessors in the Bible - from Abraham and Moses to Daniel and Nehemiah to Paul and Epaphras to Jesus himself - you will never be the same again.
You will catch a new glimpse of the importance of intercession. You will see the great need for intercessors and understand if God is calling you to be one. Above all, with all the Biblical models presented, you will be challenged to join this godly company.
"The challenge is disturbing as the reader realizes how short of the mark is even the most spiritual of Christians," writes Dr. Lester Sumrall in his Foreword.
"Dr. Fomum practices what he teaches, as do some churches in Cameroon. Who of us prays for several hours each day? Who among us fasts and prays in spiritual warfare for From 21 to 40 days at a time, several times per year? This book is MUST reading for the serious Christian."