This book uses historical commentary and recipes to trace the history of American cooking from the first European contact with Native Americans to the 1970s. Each of 50 chronologically arranged topical chapters contain 500-1,000 words of general commentary followed by descriptions and clear, step-by-step instructions for 3-4 recipes. The recipes are drawn from a wide variety of historical cookbooks and other historical sources.
The topics cover broad periods (e.g., Settlers and Indians, Early American Spring Meals, Health Food in Victorian America); particular events (e.g., Civil War South, The Great Depression); and particular trends or movements (e.g., Railroad Food, School Lunch, The Labor Movement). Also presented are engaging special topics such as Patriotic Cakes, Abolitionist Recipes, Communal Experiments, and Modern Health Food. The book is indexed by year of publication of recipes, states, and broad subjects.