The Adventures of Rupert and The Mop: Piggly-Wiggly Guinea-Pig Tales is a delightful story about Guinea-Pigs who become friends through their differences in appearance. One bright sunny day, a Guinea-Pig called, Piggly-Wiggly Rupert dons his blue hat before stepping out of the door for a walk that leads to an adventure
On Rupert's journey, he stumbles upon a very interesting Piggly-Wiggly Guinea-Pig Girl, the excitement begins
After a faux pas a friendship develops with a Guinea-Pig named, Piggly-Wiggly Caramella; she resembles a Mop; a friendship develops. Then the Piggly-Wigglies have a lovely party with some of Caramella's friends
At the party, Rupert is taught some secrets about how to socialise and accept the differences of other Piggly-Wiggly Guinea-Pigs.