One of the most beloved characters in children's literature, Peter Cottontail is up to his long-whiskered nose in rib-tickling escapades in this delightful classic. With gentle charm and humor, famed storyteller Thornton W. Burgess draws young readers into the timeless world...
A Beautiful Classic Revived by Stunning New Illustrations Created in the Golden Age Style. Racehorse for Young Readers' Children's Classic Collections is a new series that offers readers timeless compilations of children's literature. Handsomely packaged and affordable,...
This is the story of Peter Rabbit and his adventures in the Green Forest. It includes the famous pictures by Harrison Cady, and large type to make it easy for children to read. Early in this story, Peter Rabbit changed his name to Peter Cottontail, but he soon decided to keep...
This deluxe edition presents three of the most popular books by a beloved storyteller. Thornton W. Burgess's timeless tales of woodland whimsy recount the exploits of Reddy Fox, Peter Cottontail, and Grandfather Frog. Featuring the original art by Harrison Cady, the stories offer...
Timeless classic recounts Peter's adventures in the Green Forest as he discovers the folly of changing his name, outwits Reddy Fox, learns important lessons about not doing what Nature never intended. 6 illustrations.
In this delightful classic, Peter Cottontail (or Peter Rabbit as he was originally called) is up to his whiskers in rabbity escapades. With his gentle humor and charm, famed storyteller Thornton Burgess weaves his magic through the life of one of the most delightful characters...
Thornton W. Burgess was an important and influential American conservationist and a prolific author of entertaining and witty children's stories. For over 50 years, Burgess published numerous popular books on the flora and fauna of the natural world and wrote a regular newspaper...
In "The Adventures of Peter Cottontail," Thornton Burgess weaves a delightful narrative that captures the whimsical charm of the natural world through the eyes of its lovable protagonist, Peter Cottontail. This classic children's tale is richly imbued with a sense of wonder and...
Easter was fast approaching and Peter Cottontail had the honor of announcing the coming of the holiday. As the day came closer Peter was losing his voice. He didn't know what he was going to do. Finally the chickens rallied and joined the parade with Peter Cottontail leading...