Johnny Chuck, a gentle and content groundhog, sets off on an adventure that changes his quiet life in the Green Meadow. Along the way, he encounters new friends, faces unexpected dangers, and even discovers a little romance, challenging him to embrace bravery and kindness...
The Adventures of Johnny Chuck is a classic children's book written by Thornton W. Burgess. The story follows the titular character, a young woodchuck, as he navigates life in the forest. Johnny Chuck is a curious and adventurous creature who loves to explore his surroundings...
Thornton Waldo Burgess (January 17, 1874 - June 5, 1965) was an American conservationist and author of children's stories. Burgess loved the beauty of nature and its living creatures so much that he wrote about them for 50 years in books and his newspaper column, Bedtime Stories...
The Adventures of Johnny Chuck is a classic children's book written by Thornton W. Burgess. The story follows the adventures of a young woodchuck named Johnny Chuck, who lives in the Green Forest. Johnny is a curious and adventurous little creature, always eager to explore his...
"The Adventures of Johnny Chuck" is a classic children's book written by Thornton W. Burgess. First published in 1913, the book is part of Burgess's larger series known as "The Bedtime Story-Books," which features animal characters and imparts moral lessons in an engaging...
Spring has arrived and Johnny Chuck goes wandering, gets in a fight, and sets up housekeeping with Polly Chuck. 6 illustrations.
"好消息,对于上面或下面的每个人来说都是个好消息,对于 大师来说,下雪了!"所有的绿色草地和绿色的森林都听到了这个消息。彼得-兔子...