When the Bubbles Fizz Tang Factory announces their newest drink, shop owners and school children can't get enough. Irresistible in its shiny gold can, Myrrhfizz is delicious. A regular at Mr. Dopps' store, Jake keeps a coin in his pocket to get his fix of Myrrhfizz after school.
All is peaceful in the village until the factory owner, Mrs. Blint, threatens Jake, "This shop will be mine. Mark my words!" When Jake has a second thought to bring his nerf gun with him to the shop, he doesn't know that he will become a town hero. Jake returns to the shop after his paper route to admire the cans, and Mr. Dopps is nowhere in sight. In his place is a mysterious old lady. Before Jake can make sense of his surroundings, the old lady unleashes an army of robots. Only Jake can save Mr. Dopps, himself, and the town. But when his nerf gun doesn't fire, how will he defeat the vengeful woman?