The series "The Adventures of Captain Cutie Pie and Deputy Boo" was inspired by real animals that live in and around Marshall Township, Pennsylvania. The heroes of the stories are an unlikely pair. Bubba, a.k.a. Captain Cutie Pie, is a black cat while Boo is a miniature parrot...
The series "The Adventures of Captain Cutie Pie and Deputy Boo" was inspired by real animals that live in and around Marshall Township, Pennsylvania. The heroes of the stories are an unlikely pair. Bubba, a.k.a. Captain Cutie Pie, is a black cat while Boo is a miniature parrot...
The first book in the series has our cat and bird, Bubba and Boo, respectively, exploring their new neighborhood shortly after moving to Marshall Township. They overhear a story about a beaver (a true story that we, the authors, heard) and become curious to find and meet this...