A delightful children's story about Captain Bear, his crew of animals and their sturdy canal barge, the Marie Grace. With beautiful handpainted watercolours and set along a lovely sparkling river, Captain Bear and crew take cargo up and down their beloved river. With a nod to the canal barges of yesteryear in Europe, when barges were pulled along by shire horses, so too is the Marie Grace pulled by brother and sister shire horses; Emil and Elodie. Our book begins with the postmouse bringing a letter . It contains an intriguing request-can Captain Bear and crew transport some musical cargo? None other than The Pond-Willowing Band. And so an unexpected adventure begins.
This book is the first in a series about Captain Bear and the crew of the Marie Grace . Author and award winning illustrator, P.G.Rob with sea captain husband, spent some time on Europe's canals researching the history and landscapes that canal barges ply their trade on to this day.