A mysterious case with an anonymous client and a murderous back story, Sherlock Holmes can't resist the temptation of danger in this thrilling short story by Arthur Conan Doyle. When a British officer arrives at Baker Street to ask Sherlock Holmes for...
Featuring an anonymous client and a trail of murderous crimes, delve into the thrilling depths of Victorian England in this short Sherlock Holmes story. The city of London is shrouded in a thick fog, concealing dark secrets and deadly schemes, when...
Texte int?gral. Cet ouvrage s'inscrit dans un projet de sauvegarde et de valorisation de biblioth?ques et de fonds patrimoniaux anciens, rares ou oubli?s, appartenant ? la litt?rature des 19e et 20e si?cles. Une collection de grands classiques, d'?crits pour le th??tre, de po?sie,...