In this stunning jacketed hardback, Jon Balchin introduces 50 of the world's most influential scientists of all time and explains their revolutionary theories, showcased with full-color photography.
Scientific discoveries have shaped our world as we know it today. In this beautifully illustrated book, Jon Balchin examines the achievements of 50 of history's greatest scientists: the men and women who gave us geometry (Euclid), the telescope (Galileo), the periodic table (Mendeleev) and radium (Marie Curie) as well as those whose work has helped us understand our world and the cosmos in far greater detail than ever before, such as Albert Einstein, Edwin Hubble, Rosalind Franklin and Stephen Hawking. Together, they show how scientists' work has influenced our way of life as well as our ability to combat disease and comprehend the deceptive complexities of nature and human beings. Perceptive and informative, this book is a fascinating introduction to the way science has developed over millennia. Includes: