Leaders are always looking for an edge. That often sends many of them looking for the next big thing. Although leadership approaches and trendy management fads come and go, what remains the same? The qualities of a leader. Internationally-recognized...
Un libro accesible y conciso acerca de las cualidades indispensables del liderazgo eficaz ?Cu?l es tu sue?o? En tu m?s fant?stica imaginaci?n, ?qu? te ves haciendo? ?Qu? se interpone entre t? y tus sue?os? La respuesta es liderazgo. ?Todo surge o se desploma por liderazgo?, dice...
In the tradition of his million-seller "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership," author John C. Maxwell provides a concise, accessible leadership book that helps readers become more effective leaders from the inside out. Daily readings highlight twenty-one essential leadership...
Un libro accesible y conciso acerca de las cualidades indispensables del liderazgo eficaz Cu l es tu sue o? En tu m s fant stica imaginaci n, qu te ves haciendo? Qu se interpone entre t y tus sue os? La respuesta es liderazgo. «Todo...
"The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader gets straight tothe heart of leadership issues. Maxwell once again touches on the process ofdeveloping the art of leadership by giving the reader practical tools andinsights into developing the qualities found in great leaders." - KennethBlanchard,...
"The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader gets straight to the heart of leadership issues. Maxwell once again touches on the process of developing the art of leadership by giving the reader practical tools and insights into developing the qualities found in great...
"The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader gets straight to the heart of leadership issues. Maxwell once again touches on the process of developing the art of leadership by giving the reader practical tools and insights into developing the qualities found in great...
"The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader gets straight to the heart of leadership issues. Maxwell once again touches on the process of developing the art of leadership by giving the reader practical tools and insights into developing the qualities found in great...