#1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER What are the most valuable things that everyone should know?
Acclaimed clinical psychologist Jordan B Peterson has influenced the modern understanding of personality, and now...
Cu les son las reglas esenciales para vivir que todos deber amos conocer? Regla n. 1: mantente erguido con los hombros hacia atr s..., como las langostas; regla n. 8: di la verdad, o por lo menos no mientas; regla n. 11: deja en paz a los ni os que andan...
Cu les son las reglas esenciales para vivir que todos deber amos conocer? Regla n. 1: mantente erguido con los hombros hacia atr s..., como las langostas; regla n. 8: di la verdad, o por lo menos no mientas; regla n. 11: deja en paz a los ni os que andan en patineta;...
Simplified Chinese edition of 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
Ma Prem Nivedita, the author of this book- 'Being with Osho', has spent about 55 years with Osho. She consider's Osho as her Sadguru. Being with Osho, her life has been transformed from an ordinary one to the changed one that she is leading now. The author is a good poet too...