That Affair At Elizabeth is a mystery novel written by Burton E. Stevenson. The story revolves around a wealthy businessman named John Warwick who is found dead in his country estate, Elizabeth. The police suspect that Warwick's wife, Lady Warwick, is responsible for his murder...
That Affair At Elizabeth is a mystery novel written by Burton E. Stevenson. The story revolves around a murder that takes place in the small town of Elizabeth. The victim is a wealthy businessman named John Fleming, who is found dead in his own home. The prime suspect in the...
A detective novel set in turn-of-the-century New York City, in which a young lawyer solves an affair-of-the-heart.
"That seems to be all right, Lester," said Mr. Royce, and handed the papers back to me. "I'll be mighty glad when we get that off our hands." So, I knew, would the whole force of the office, for the case had been an unusually irritating one, tangling itself up in the most unexpected...
"That seems to be all right, Lester," said Mr. Royce, and handed the papers back to me. "I'll be mighty glad when we get that off our hands." So, I knew, would the whole force of the office, for the case had been an unusually irritating one, tangling itself up in the most unexpected...