La primera de las novelas de la Terra Alta. Y la presentaci n de un personaje inolvidable, Melchor Mar n, un hombre justo en un mundo que no lo es.
Javier Cercas debuta en la novela policiaca y escribe un cl sico. Antonio Manzini
Una novela de una potencia impresionante. Christian Authier, Le Figaro
Una novela suntuosa. Guy Duplat, Lire
Un xito estrepitoso. Alexandre Fillon, Les Echos
Un crimen terrible sacude la apacible comarca de la Terra Alta: los propietarios de su mayor empresa, Gr ficas Adell, aparecen asesinados tras haber sido sometidos a atroces torturas. Se encarga del caso Melchor Mar n, un joven polic a y lector voraz llegado desde Barcelona cuatro a os atr s, con un oscuro pasado a cuestas que le ha convertido en una leyenda del cuerpo y que cree haber enterrado bajo su vida feliz como marido de la bibliotecaria del pueblo y padre de una ni a llamada Cosette, igual que la hija de Jean Valjean, el protagonista de su novela favorita: Los miserables.
The first of the novels of Terra Alta. And the presentation of an unforgettable character, Melchor Mar n, a righteous man in a world that is not.
"Javier Cercas makes his debut in detective novels and writes a classic." Antonio Manzini
"A novel of impressive power." Christian Authier, Le Figaro
"A sumptuous novel." Guy Duplat, Lire
"A resounding success." Alexandre Fillon, Les Echos
A terrible crime shakes the peaceful region of Terra Alta: the owners of his largest company, Gr ficas Adell, are found murdered after having been subjected to atrocious torture. Melchor Mar n is in charge of the case, a young policeman and voracious reader who arrived from Barcelona four years ago, with a dark past on his back that has made him a legend of the force and who he believes he has buried under his happy life as the husband of the village librarian and father of a girl named Cosette. just like the daughter of Jean Valjean, the protagonist of his favorite novel: Les Mis rables.