My husband, James. The house on the lake. Our perfect life. And then Alex came to visit. The first time I saw my husband's best friend, I didn't like him. Didn't like how James changed when he was around, didn't like how his penetrating eyes followed me everywhere. But that didn't...
I had everything a woman could want... My husband, James. The house on the lake. My life. Our perfect life. And then Alex came to visit. The first time I saw my husband's best friend, I didn't like him. Didn't like how James changed when he was around, didn't like how his penetrating...
Especial. Ten a todo lo que una mujer pod a desear. Mi marido, James. La casa junto al lago. Mi vida. Nuestra perfecta vida. Hasta que Alex vino a visitarnos.La primera vez que vi al mejor amigo de mi marido, no me gust . No me gustaba c mo se comportaba James...