The Nebula and Locus Award-winning fourth novel in the renowned Earthsea series from Ursula K. LeGuin gets a beautiful new repackage. In this fourth novel in the Earthsea series, we rejoin the young priestess the Tenar and powerful wizard Ged. Years before, they had helped each...
The Nebula and Locus Award-winning fourth novel in the renowned Earthsea series from Ursula K. LeGuin gets a beautiful new repackage. In this fourth novel in the Earthsea series, we rejoin the young priestess the Tenar and powerful wizard Ged. Years before, they had helped each...
The Nebula Award and Locus Award-winning fourth novel in the beloved Earthsea series by Ursula K. LeGuin Years before, they had escaped together from the sinister Tombs of Atuan--she, an isolated young priestess, he, a powerful wizard. Now she is a farmer's widow, having chosen...
In this final episode of The Earthsea Cycle, the widowed Tenar finds and nurses her aging friend, Sparrowhawk, a magician who has lost his powers.