"Teddy" from John Conroy Hutcheson. British author of novels and short stories (1840-1897).
Teddy: The Story of a Little Pickle is a children's book written by John Conroy Hutcheson and first published in 1887. The story follows the adventures of a mischievous young boy named Teddy, who is always getting into trouble. Despite his antics, Teddy is a lovable character...
Teddy: The Story Of A Little Pickle is a children's book written by John Conroy Hutcheson and published in 1887. The book follows the adventures of a mischievous young boy named Teddy, who is always getting into trouble. Despite his antics, Teddy is a lovable character who is...
John Conroy Hutcheson (1840-1897) was a British author of novels and short stories about life aboard ships at sea. Hutcheson was born in Jersey, Channel Islands, in 1840, and died in Portsea Island, Hampshire, in late 1896 or early 1897. His works include: The Wreck of the Nancy...
"I want do d'an'ma " This sudden and unexpected exclamation, uttered as it was in a shrill little voice like that of a piping bullfinch, and coming from nowhere in particular, as far as he could make out, for he had fancied himself all alone on the platform, made the tall railway...