(Willis). Unlock the enchanting world of music for children with John Thompson's Teaching Little Fingers to Play Known worldwide as a masterful educator and pianist, John Thompson's methods have guided millions of young musicians with his engaging and effective approach. This...
(Willis). A classic series for the early beginner combining rote and note approach. The melodies are written with careful thought and are kept as simple as possible, yet they are refreshingly delightful. All the music lies within the grasp of the child's small hands. The 2020...
(Willis). SPANISH. A series for the early beginner combining rote and note approach. The melodies are written with careful thought and are kept as simple as possible, yet they are refreshingly delightful. All the music lies within the grasp of the child's small hands.
(Willis). A book of intermediate-level accompaniments for use in the teacher's studio or at home. Two possible accompaniments are included for each Teaching Little Fingers piece: a Secondo or Primo part, as well as a second piano part for studios that have two pianos/keyboards...
(Willis). CHINESE. A series for the early beginner combining rote and note approach. The melodies are written with careful thought and are kept as simple as possible, yet they are refreshingly delightful. All the music lies within the grasp of the child's small hands.