Discover the Secret to Savoring Every Day
The Psalmist declared, "Taste and see that the Lord is good" (Ps. 34:8), so Margaret Feinberg decided to take the invitation literally. She embarked on a global culinary and spiritual adventure descending 410 feet into a salt mine, baking fresh matzo at Yale University, harvesting olives off the Croatian coast, and tasting succulent figs at a premier farm--all to discover the truth in such a simple verse.
With each person she encountered, she asked, "How do you read the Scripture in light of what you do every day?" Their answers will change the way you read the Bible forever... and the way you approach every meal.
Sessions include:
You're Invited to the Table (18 min)Delighting in the Sweetness of Fruitfulness (18 min)Chewing on the Bread of Life (21 min)Savoring the Salt of the Earth (21 min)Designed for use with Taste and See Study Guide (9780310087816), sold separately.