Experience the legend of Tarzan in this thrilling adventure from Edgar Rice Burroughs. Set amid the vibrant colors and sounds of the African jungle, this classic work, rich in suspense and action, has beckoned generations of readers on a glorious journey to romance and pure adventure...
Experience the legend of Tarzan in this thrilling adventure from Edgar Rice Burroughs. Set amid the vibrant colors and sounds of the African jungle, this classic work, rich in suspense and action, has beckoned generations of readers on a glorious journey to romance and pure adventure...
Known as a classic within the adventure genre, Tarzan of the Apes by American author Edgar Rice Burroughs follows the story of a man raised by apes in the jungle. Published in 1914, this novel is the first in a series of twenty-four books that tells of Tarzan and his encounters...
Orphaned and abandoned in the depths of the African jungle, a young boy is found and raised by a loving female ape. Destined to be the king of the apes, Tarzan thrives among his adoptive family, but will he ever be able to feel at home in the wild? Tarzan...
Discover the thrilling adventures of Tarzan of the Apes , the classic novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs. This beloved tale follows the journey of a man raised by apes in the African jungle, as he battles wild animals and hunters, discovers his true identity, and finds a place in...
Orphaned as a babe in the African jungle, tiny John Clayton, the only child of the Lord and Lady Greystoke, is rescued by a tribe of great apes. The child, now named "Tarzan," grows to manhood in this savage world, among the fierce anthropoids. Aided by his keen knife and...
The first book in Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic series about Tarzan of the Apes.
The classic adventure novel Tarzan of the Apes written by Edgar Rice Burroughs became so popular in 1914 that it was continued into the 1940's with two dozen sequels. Born to the marooned couple Lord and Lady Greystoke the story tells of what became of their son after their death...
Tarzan of the Apes is a novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first in a series of books about the title character Tarzan. It was first published in the pulp magazine The All-Story in October 1912.
Having failed in a number of occupations as a young man, Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) found his niche as a writer with Tarzan of the Apes, first published in 1914. Highly imaginative, exotic and suspenseful, the story tells of an infant -- the son of an aristocratic...
The classic novel of a boy rasied by Apes in the African jungle, now the basis for a major motion picture, The Legend of Tarzan , starring Alexander Skarsg rd, Margot Robbie, Samuel L. Jackson, and Djimon Hounsou Originally published in 1914, Burroughs's Tarzan , the ideal image...
Excerpt: ...the steel forearms of the ape-man about the back of Sabor's neck. Weaker and weaker became the lioness's efforts. At last Clayton saw the immense muscles of Tarzan's shoulders and biceps leap into corded knots beneath the silver moonlight. There was a long sustained...
An adventure tale that has capture the ages The first book in the legendary Tarzan series tells the story of John Clayton, born in the coastal jungles of Africa to a marooned couple from England, adopted as an infant by apes after they die, then raised in ignorance of his...
Edgar Rice Burroughs (September 1, 1875 - March 19, 1950) has obtained lasting fame for his works about the jungle hero Tarzan, and also for the heroic Mars adventurer John Carter, but he was a voluminous writer who also wrote in many other genres as well. Burroughs famously...