Cruel slave traders had invaded the jungle of Tarzan of the Apes. Now they were headed toward a fabled empire of riches which no outsider had ever seen, intent on looting. And toward the same legendary land was stumbling the lost James Blake, an American whom Tarzan had vowed...
Book 11 of the Tarzan Series - Special Edition Authorized by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., Featuring Rare and Previously Unpublished Archival Materials Cruel slave traders have invaded the jungle domain of Tarzan of the Apes. Now they head toward...
Tarzan and Lord of the Jungle (Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library) Book 11 of the Tarzan Series - Special Edition Authorized by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Cruel slave traders have invaded the jungle domain of Tarzan of the Apes. Now they head...
Tarzan and Lord of the Jungle (Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Library) Book 11 of the Tarzan Series - Special Edition Authorized by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. Cruel slave traders have invaded the jungle domain of Tarzan of the Apes. Now they head...
Dans la jungle quatre groupes vont se rencontrer et s'affronter: Tarzan et ses amis, hommes et b?tes, deux explorateurs am?ricains (un bon et un m?chant) et leurs porteurs, une troupe de b?douins cruels ? la recherche d'une cit? renomm?e o? se trouve un fabuleux tr?sor, et enfin,...
Cruel slave traders had invaded the jungle of Tarzan of the Apes. Now they were headed toward a fabled empire of riches which no outsider had ever seen, intent on looting. And toward the same legendary land was stumbling the lost James Blake, an American whom Tarzan had vowed...