"In this sly and salacious work, Nutting forces us to take a long, unflinching look at a deeply disturbed mind, and more significantly, at society's often troubling relationship with female beauty." -San Francisco Chronicle In Alissa Nutting's novel...
In Alissa Nutting's novel Tampa, Celeste Price, a smoldering 26-year-old middle-school teacher in Florida, unrepentantly recounts her elaborate and sociopathically determined seduction of a 14-year-old student.
Celeste has chosen and lured the charmingly modest Jack...
The night before her first day as a middle-school teacher, Celeste Price fiercely masturbates. She is a young and beautiful woman with a husband 17 years older than her. He is a police officer, as gorgeous as she is. At school Celeste cares little for anything but her pleasure...