This is a completely updated edition of the 1983 classic that introduced a powerful method for gaining freedom from self-defeating behaviors and beliefs. Rick Carson, creator of the renowned Gremlin-Taming(TM) Method, has revised the book to include fresh interactive activities, real-life vignettes we can all identify with, and new loathsome gremlins ripe for taming. Carson blends his laid-back style, Taoist wisdom, the Zen Theory of Change, and sound psychology in an easy-to-understand, unique, and practical system for banishing the nemesis within. Among the things you will learn are:
Techniques for getting a sliver of light between the natural you and the monster of your mind. The extraordinary power of simply noticing and playing with options. Six keys to maintaining emotional balance amid upheaval.It's clear from reading the wide variety of reviews of this book that the concepts presented work really well for some people, and a whole lot less well for others. To me, the very simplicity that some reviewers complained about is what makes this really work. In fact, I'd bet that there's a whole lot of complexity and many years of work underneath Carson's surprisingly straightforward presentation (and speaking of "surprisingly,"...
Taming your Gremlin is a great book because it helps us to confront our own demons and overcome them. This book will help people who have self-destructive patterns of behavior. I suggest you read another book, Optimal Thinking: How to Be your Best Self which shows you how to make the best choices in every situation. There is also a chapter that shows you how to identify the core beliefs that stop you from being your best...
This is a book I regularly use in my coaching practice. It's a fun, easy read that has helped my clients (and myself) move past self-limiting thoughts and behaviors. Carson's light-hearted approach and the great illustrations keep the process fun and simple for the everyday reader. Enjoying yourself is key to having a prosperous, abundant life - emotionally, spiritually, and financially. Everybody should have this in their...
This is the best book on the behaviour of the human mind I have ever read. Witty, clever and decidedly wise, it has more relevance for the everyday life of the person on the street than any other modern guide to awakening or personal psychotherapy I have come across. Richard Carson marries the serious with the witty in unprecedentedly simple style, and manages to convey that enjoying yourself as you are now is the real...
I have used Carson's book for seven years in my college social psychology course entitled Self and Others. I have been amazed at how many students use the ideas in the book to make real changes in how they think and feel about themselves,and how they interact with others. I laugh, cry and cheer when I read many of their papers. Thank you Richard Carson.